<%@ LANGUAGE="VBSCRIPT" %> <% ' First, the subroutines... sub cleanup if ucase(TypeName(RS)) = "OBJECT" then RS.Close Set RS=nothing End If if ucase(TypeName(RS2)) = "OBJECT" then RS2.Close Set RS2=nothing End If if ucase(TypeName(RS3)) = "OBJECT" then RS3.Close Set RS3=nothing End If if ucase(TypeName(RS4)) = "OBJECT" then RS4.Close Set RS4=nothing End If if ucase(TypeName(RS5)) = "OBJECT" then RS5.Close Set RS5=nothing End If if ucase(TypeName(MyConn)) = "OBJECT" then MyConn.Close Set MyConn = Nothing end if end sub ' End of subroutines. %> reprolabs catalog <% 'dim RS 'dim RS2 'dim RS3 'dim RS4 'dim RS5 'dim MyConn call cleanup 'Just in case. Set MyConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") MyConn.Open Application("Database1_ConnectionString") Set RS = Server.CreateObject ("ADODB.Recordset") Set RS2 = Server.CreateObject ("ADODB.Recordset") Set RS3 = Server.CreateObject ("ADODB.Recordset") Set RS4 = Server.CreateObject ("ADODB.Recordset") 'RS5 is Used for flipbook... Set RS5 = Server.CreateObject ("ADODB.Recordset") strSQL = "SELECT * FROM Catalog ORDER BY Category ASC" If (request("PN")<>"") Then strSQL = "SELECT * FROM Catalog where part_number LIKE " strSQL = strSQL & "'%" & request("PN") & "%'" strSQL4 = "SELECT * FROM Options where part_number LIKE " strSQL4 = strSQL4 & "'%" & request("PN") & "%'" strSQL5 = "SELECT * FROM flipbook where image_name LIKE " strSQL5 = strSQL5 & "'%" & request("PN") & "%'" End If If (Request("k")<>"") Then tempk=request("k") strSQL = "SELECT * FROM Catalog where part_number LIKE " strSQL = strSQL & "'%" & tempk & "%'" strSQL4 = "SELECT * FROM Options where part_number LIKE " strSQL4 = strSQL4 & "'%" & tempk & "%'" strSQL5 = "SELECT * FROM flipbook where image_name LIKE " strSQL5 = strSQL5 & "'%" & tempk & "%'" End If RS.Open strSQL, MyConn, 3 If (not RS.EOF) Then RS.MoveFirst If (CStr(Request("Next"))="Next") Then If (not RS.EOF) Then RS.MoveNext End If If (CStr(Request("Prev"))="Prev") Then End If strSubDir = "images/" strFileName = Cstr(strSubDir) & RS("image_name") strSQL2 = "SELECT * FROM pdflist where application LIKE '" strSQL2 = strSQL2 & Cstr(RS("part_number")) & "'" RS2.Open strSQL2, MyConn, 3 strSubDir2 = "pdf/" strSQL4 = "SELECT * FROM Options where part_number LIKE '" strSQL4 = strSQL4 & Cstr(RS("part_number")) & "'" RS4.Open strSQL4, MyConn, 3 strSQL5 = "SELECT * FROM flipbook where pic_file LIKE '%" strSQL5 = strSQL5 & Cstr(RS("part_number")) & "%'" RS5.Open strSQL5, MyConn, 3 if (NOT RS5.EOF) Then flipmax=RS5.RecordCount RS5.MoveFirst flipdex=1 If (Request("flipdex")<>"") Then flipdex=Request("flipdex") + 1 If (flipdex > flipmax) Then flipdex=1 End If End If If (flipdex >=2) Then backdex=flipdex - 2 End If If (flipdex < 2) Then backdex=flipmax End If fliptmp=1 While (fliptmp < flipdex) RS5.MoveNext fliptmp=fliptmp+1 Wend strFileName = "/flipbook/" & Cstr(RS5("pic_file")) End If %> <% 'SETUP SOME STRINGS TO DISPLAY IN THE BANNER... tmpcstr=RS("Category") tmpnstr=RS("part_number") %>
  reprolabs.com, LLC.
Catalog-  <% Response.write "" %> <% Response.Write tmpcstr Response.Write "" %> - <% Response.Write tmpnstr %>   

Embedded Programming and Prototyping    
missing image <% if (NOT RS5.EOF) Then Response.write "
" Response.write "" Response.write "" Response.write "      " Response.write "Viewing image " & flipdex & " of  " & flipmax Response.write "      " Response.write "" Response.write "" Response.write "
" Response.write RS5("pic_text") End If %>
<% Response.write "
" If (NOT RS2.EOF) Then Response.Write "Documentation Files:

" End IF While NOT RS2.EOF 'Response.Write "
" Response.Write "" Response.Write RS2("datasheet") Response.Write "" Response.Write "
" 'Response.Write "

" strSQL3 = "SELECT * FROM synopsis WHERE datasheet LIKE " strSQL3 = strSQL3 & "'" & RS2("datasheet") & "'" 'Response.Write strSQL3 RS3.Open strSQL3, MyConn, 3 If (NOT RS3.EOF) Then RS3.MoveFirst Response.write RS3("summary") Response.write "

" End If RS3.Close RS2.MoveNext Wend Response.write "
" %>
Part # <% Response.Write RS("part_number") %> Price: $ <% Response.Write RS("Price") %> Product Status:   <% Response.Write RS("Status") %>    Qty in Stock: <% Response.Write RS("Qty-in-Stock") %>

<%response.write RS("Description1")%>

<% Response.Write RS("Description") itemname = Cstr (RS("Description1")) itemname = Left(itemname, 80) %>

<% If (NOT RS4.EOF) Then RS4.MoveFirst End If %>
   Shop!    <% if (not(isnull(RS("Price")))) Then %>         $ <% response.write RS("Price") %> USD <% end if %> <% if (isnull(RS("Price"))) Then %> Please contact this site for additional information. <% end if %> <% if (not(isnull(RS("Price")))) Then %>
<% If (NOT RS4.EOF) Then RS4.MoveFirst If (RS4("option")="?") Then Response.write "Enter additional information here: "%> <% Response.write "" End If If (RS4("option") <> "?") Then %> <% End If End If %>
"> "> <% end if %>

<% tabstr="tab3.png" 'If (RS("Category")="All Items") Then tabstr="tab1.png" If (request("S")="0") Then tabstr="tab1.png" Response.Write " <% tabstr="tab3.png" 'If (RS("Category")="Audio") Then tabstr="tab1.png" If (request("S")="1") Then tabstr="tab1.png" Response.Write " <% tabstr="tab3.png" 'If (RS("Category")="Numeric Display") Then tabstr="tab1.png" If (request("S")="2") Then tabstr="tab1.png" Response.Write " <% tabstr="tab3.png" 'If (RS("Category")="Hardware") Then tabstr="tab1.png" If (request("S")="3") Then tabstr="tab1.png" Response.Write " <% tabstr="tab3.png" 'If (RS("Category")="Intercom") Then tabstr="tab1.png" If (request("S")="4") Then tabstr="tab1.png" Response.Write " <% tabstr="tab3.png" 'If (RS("Category")="I/O Card") Then tabstr="tab1.png" If (request("S")="5") Then tabstr="tab1.png" Response.Write " <% tabstr="tab3.png" 'If (RS("Category")="Z-Card") Then tabstr="tab1.png" If (request("S")="6") Then tabstr="tab1.png" Response.Write " <% tabstr="tab3.png" 'If (RS("Category")="Free!") Then tabstr="tab1.png" If (request("S")="7") Then tabstr="tab1.png" Response.Write " <% tabstr="tab3.png" 'tabstr="lgrey040.jpg" If (request("S")="8") Then tabstr="tab1.png" Response.Write " <% tabstr="tab3.png" If (request("S")="9") Then tabstr="tab1.png" Response.Write " <% tabstr="tab3.png" 'tabstr="lgrey040.jpg" If (request("S")="10") Then tabstr="tab1.png" Response.Write " <% tabstr="tab3.png" 'tabstr="lgrey040.jpg" If (request("S")="11") Then tabstr="tab1.png" Response.Write " <% tabstr="tab3.png" 'tabstr="lgrey040.jpg" If (request("S")="12") Then tabstr="tab1.png" Response.Write " <% tabstr="tab3.png" 'tabstr="lgrey040.jpg" If (request("S")="13") Then tabstr="tab1.png" Response.Write "
" %> All Items" %> Rantbot" %> ________" %> ________" %> ________" %> ________" %> ________
" %> ________ " %> ________ " %> ________" %> ________" %> ________ " %> ________ " %>

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<% call cleanup %>